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Peace With PTSD

Words We Need To Hear

Life is challenging at times as we all know it. It bends us and breaks us. At points, it can even feel impossible to stand on our own. We try our hardest to push through, but sometimes we just need to hear the words, “It’s going to be okay.”

We all struggle and go through hard times in life. Some people barely show it, some show it more than others and some completely hide it. No matter which one of those people you are, we all need and want to hear the words, “It’s going to be okay.” Because in the moment we feel like nothing is okay or going to be okay. It’s an extremely overwhelming feeling that can be unbearable sometimes.

A lot of us aren’t fortunate enough to have someone in our lives to tell us those words. If you are one of the people that doesn’t have someone, I will gladly be that person for you. I also encourage you to be that person for someone who is struggling. Be that person for your neighbor who’s struggling, be that person for your friend who is just not doing well, be that person for a family member, but most importantly, BE THAT PERSON FOR YOURSELF.

As important as it is to help others, it’s even more important to help yourself. You need to be there for yourself so you can be there for others too when they need it.

Today I want you to tell yourself out loud that’s it’s going to be okay, even if you feel like you don’t need to hear it. Reassurance is key for our mental health and provides comfort when it’s needed most.

As Always,

You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Your Diagnosis

You Deserve Peace

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