We have all experienced toxic and manipulative people in our lives. Some friends, some coworkers and some family. I have personally dealt mostly with manipulative and toxic family members.
I always felt this heavy weight on me that I had to have a relationship with someone just because they were family. Even though they were using me as a doormat and saying and doing horrible things to me, I thought that I had to just sit there and take it. I could never say anything back. I could never stand up for myself or have a reaction out of fear of a toxic reaction, or them just simply shutting me out of their life based off my response. That wasn’t healthy or fair to me and that’s not healthy or fair to you either. When we let people sit there and mistreat us over and over again and never stand up for ourselves or remove that person from our lives, we are basically saying to them, “Hey, it’s okay for you to continue to mistreat me”.
A person will use, manipulate, harm, and abuse you until you remove them from your life or say you have had enough. Sometimes it’s painful to remove that person from your life. But sometimes it’s what is best for your life. Something my husband said to me that has stuck with me is, “Just because you have to remove them from your life now, doesn’t mean they cannot be a part of your life in the future.” He’s right, if you have to remove someone from your life right now so you won’t be mistreated anymore, that doesn’t mean they can’t be a part of your life in the future. At the end of the day, if someone or something is causing you pain and closing the door is what’s best for you and your health, then by all means do it my friend. Just do it. We deserve respect, love, peace, understanding, security and happiness.