I cannot tell you the amount of times I have been put in uncomfortable situations. I just so badly wanted to leave and was counting down the minutes until I could go home. This has happened too many times to count and I am sure it has for you too.
Now, I am not talking about the uncomfortable feeling where you are in a situation that you shouldn’t be in. I am specifically talking about the type of uncomfortable that is anxiety inducing and triggering.
Through my journey on finding my healing and peace, I have noticed that at times, situations that I once was in are way harder on me now than before. With that being said, a lot of things have come to light since acknowledging the trauma and at times I get triggered more easily because of that. When I am put into situations that really trigger me, of course it’s challenging. My first thought is, RUN! Who’s wouldn’t be? When you are reminded of things that have sort of flipped your world upside down in some aspects, of course you’re going to be uncomfortable.
I have learned a lot through the years about being uncomfortable. I can’t always run to my room and lay down. I have discovered that I won’t always be near my car to have silence when those uncomfortable moments happen for me. Sometimes I am going to be in situations that present an uncomfortable feeling and I can either work myself up over it or face it head on and have my Plan A and Plan B.
I face the uncomfortableness head on by really sinking into the feeling that I am feeling in the moment. I tell myself that there is a reason for me feeling this way and that’s okay. I then tell myself that I am not in those horrible situations that took place years ago. I am in the present and most importantly I AM SAFE. Allow yourself to be excused if need be to collect your thoughts and calm your mind. You can do that by finding a bathroom or a quiet corner.
The uncomfortableness has allowed room for growth for me personally. It has showed me that I can’t have everything perfect and comfortable 24/7. And that being in that mindset is setting unrealistic expectations for myself that are honestly holding me back. I have been diligently working on getting out of that mindset and allowing myself to be in situations that present uncomfortableness and push through the discomfort and acknowledge the growth that comes with it.
Recovery isn’t impossible. Healing isn’t impossible. Finding your happiness isn’t impossible and loving yourself again isn’t impossible. If no one has told you this today let me be the first, I am proud of you, you’re loved and it’s going to be okay. We got this.
As Always,
You Are Not Alone
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Deserve Peace