We have all had it. The feeling of regret. “What if I did this differently, what If I said that differently, or what if I made a different choice. Where would I be now?”
Regret is something difficult to deal with and move past. It’s not always easy, but it’s always necessary to let go and move on.
Living with regret can be crippling at times. Trust me, I know. But part of working through regret is forgiving yourself and coming to terms with things.
You have to tell yourself that this is a thing of the past. I can no longer change how things went then; I can only change how things go now.
Part of regret is learning from our mistakes. It teaches us how to do better and to be healthy for ourselves not only now, but in the future as well.
Instead of beating yourself up over the regret you are facing today, pause, take a deep breath and tell yourself this: “I will choose to use this regret I am facing as a learning opportunity. I will move on from this and I will no longer allow this to negatively impact me.”
I know at times, that’s a lot easier said than done. All you can do is put in the hard work and effort. Apply it everyday so it becomes a healthy habit. Know that I am proud of you always.
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone