Now, this topic is something that I am still currently struggling with. As I am sure a lot of you are too. It’s something I want to improve immediately but I know it takes time. I hope that explaining the struggles I have will help you not feel so alone.
Half of the time when I look in the mirror all I can see are my flaws. I am too quick to notice my many freckles, frizzy hair, or I look at my stomach and remind myself how much flatter it once was. Or how I used to weigh less when I was younger. Let’s face it…we all weighed less when we were younger. I still even have little moments that last about 10 seconds where I think, Am I really able to be loved?
I have to constantly stop, and remind myself that my body is absolutely perfect and beautiful just the way God made it. But, it’s not always easy to do that. We both know that. Especially when you were told every day when you were a child how ugly you were and that no one would ever love you. Those words stick with you forever…I am certain that you have some words that you were called that weigh on your heart and make loving yourself a struggle. It’s impossible to forget words that were said to you, but it isn’t impossible to heal and to love yourself.
A way to work towards loving yourself and seeing yourself as the beautiful person that you are is:
1. Everyday look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself one thing that you love about yourself.
2. Tell yourself, “I am beautiful, I am loved, I am strong, I am smart and I am becoming healthy for me and ONLY me.” Do this daily.
3. Write little love notes of encouraging, loving words to yourself on sticky notes. Hang them up on your bathroom mirror, office, bedroom etc. Where ever you will see them. Read them daily and really listen to the words when you are reading them.
4. Remind yourself that you are only human. Tell yourself that you are trying your best. Sometimes as silly as that may sound, we need to hear it from ourselves. At times we can be our biggest enemies.
Each of you are beautiful and unique in your own way. There is only one YOU! You are perfect and loved just the way you are. No makeup, no hair style or color, no outfit and no item can make you more beautiful than you already are.
I hope today’s blog was able to help you understand that we all struggle with loving ourselves in many different ways. That you are not alone. We all have trauma that has effected the way that we see ourselves. But, just like healing from our trauma and moving past pain, we can too learn to love our beautiful selves. YOU are worthy of love and so much more.
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone