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Peace With PTSD

Letting The Old You Go

It’s very easy to hold onto your past self. You could be flooded with memories of all the mistakes you have made. You might think of all the times you never stood up for yourself or placed boundaries when you needed to.


       I know how frustrating and depressing it can be to have those moments.


       But it’s important to let those memories go and remember where you are today and most importantly who you are today!


       You are never going to make the right decision every single time in every single situation. And that’s okay!  


       You try your best and do what you know.


       Remember to always learn from your mistakes so that you can become the best and most beautiful version of yourself.


       Always strive to learn and grow more, but most importantly let the old you go!


As Always,

You Deserve Peace

You Are Not Your Diagnosis

You Are Not Alone

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