At times we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed with emotions. We feel the urge or need to cry, but we don’t. We hold it in because for some reason, we think that makes us stronger. As if we have something to prove to ourselves, or that if we cry it’s a sign of being weak. When in reality, crying isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength.
You’ve been able to manage the situation, you pushed through, you didn’t give up or quit. You never stopped once. If you feel the need to cry, CRY! Don’t hold it in. Holding in those tears is unhealthy. Tears are an emotion. Holding in those emotions is not healthy for anyone!
The other day, a situation happened to me that made me feel less of a human being, as if there was something so wrong with me that I wasn’t normal. Instead of working through my emotions and addressing them as I normally do…I didn’t. I held it in and acted like it was just whatever. I held those emotions in for a whole 24 hours and at the breakfast table the next morning, I bursted into tears out of nowhere. All because I couldn’t hold it in a second longer. It left me feeling more mentally exhausted than it would have if I had of just worked through the emotions in the beginning and cried when I felt like I needed to the first time.
It’s okay to let the tears fall. It’s okay to sob if you need to. Just let it out, pick up the pieces, and start over. So you can feel fresh, revived, and ready with a clear mind.
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone