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Peace With PTSD

Isolation Isn't Always A Bad Thing

Being isolated isn’t always a bad thing. I have learned a lot from isolation, especially last week.

Isolation can give you a sense of clarity and understanding. It allows yourself to sit back and reflect on how things have been and how things really are now. Your eyes can be opened up to things that you could not see before, perhaps because you were simply too close to a situation or person. Isolating yourself from someone or something can allow those blinders to come off and help you realize what you really want, need, and what you deserve as a human being. It can also give you time to heal from the hurt that took place and most importantly, to come up with the boundaries that you need for the sake of your health. Also, it can teach you who you can and can’t trust. Maybe you were so close to someone and shared everything with them but they turned their back on you and now you can no longer trust them.

As much as it hurts to go through something like that, it truthfully teaches you a lot. I always try to look at challenges as a way to grow, mature, learn who I can and can’t trust, and how to respect myself more. I know it’s easier said than done and yes, I still struggle to always have this mindset, but, all we can do is try our best. We can’t make people be kind to us, we can’t make people love us and we can’t change people. All we can do is focus on ourselves and what we need. Changing our point of view and looking at a situation as a learning curve and most importantly forgiving people, not for them, but for ourselves, can be a very freeing feeling that no one can take away from you.

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