I cannot be the only who is really struggling this year. It seems that the second it turned 2024, it has been just one thing after another.
I’ve been trying desperately to keep my head above water but it feels like I’m just being pulled under.
Sound like you?
You feel alone don’t you?
You feel like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.
You might even have the thought of just giving up. Scary, I know.
But let’s take a step back and think about some things.
If we just sit here and think, really think of how much we have gone through already and how we have worked through those difficult times. And we look at all those hard days that nearly felt impossible, but YOU got through them, right? We got through them. No, it wasn’t easy. But WE got through them.
If you think about who you were and where you were years ago, you probably don’t even recognize the person you were. Speaking for myself I have no idea who that girl was years ago. And it’s a good thing too.
Better days have come since those hard days, months, and even years!
Just like better days and months and years will come after this hard period of time.
Don’t give up. Keep pushing forward. Keep doing what you can to better yourself each and every day.
You know I’m so proud of you.
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone