It’s easy to get frustrated with ourselves. We can be our biggest enemy in life. We even tell ourselves that we should already be over a certain situation, or why is it taking us so long?
I am so guilty of this. I have almost zero patience with myself when it comes to my healing. Why isn’t it instant? It’s been years, why am I not over this yet? Why does this still even bother me?
It all takes patience, love and understanding. All the trauma didn’t happen in an instant. It took years and years of being mistreated and being traumatized. Therefore, it’s going to take lots of time to heal.
I’ve been working on this lately. When this thought comes into my mind: Why am I not healed or over this yet? I try to remind myself that I need to show myself more patience and that I’m doing a great job on my healing journey.
I challenge you to be more patient with yourself this week. When you get that feeling, remind yourself you’re doing your best. Show yourself extra love this coming weekend!
I am so proud of you and all your hard work. You are doing absolutely amazing! Keep going!
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone