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Peace With PTSD

Forgiving Yourself

We have all made mistakes in life. Some may seem worse than others. But we are all human and we all make them.

It can be hard to forgive ourselves and move forward. Our brain likes to play that little trick on us where we constantly remember our mistakes. We feel shame and embarrassment.

I struggle with this a lot. There’s been a lot of things that I have said or done that I wish I could take back or redo. But in reality, I can’t.

The good thing about making mistakes is that we can learn from them and move on. We can even make note to not repeat them again.

With mistakes comes forgiveness not only from people that you may have messed up with but most importantly from yourself.

You have to forgive yourself in order to heal and move forward. Remind yourself that’s not who you are anymore. That’s the old you! You have come so far. You have changed so much for the better!

You are deserving of forgiveness.

As Always,

You Deserve Peace

You Are Not Your Diagnosis

You Are Not Alone

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