Through healing and tears, you find yourself feeling anger. The anger feels sudden and also sometimes scary. You don’t like this feeling and wish that it would simply wash away. You even feel guilty feeling the anger, but why?
It’s okay to feel anger over traumatic situations that happened to you. It’s important what you do with that anger and how you handle it.
Allow yourself to feel it and work through it. Acknowledge where the anger is coming from. Don’t let the anger scare you so much that you try to push it away. It will just come out in different forms later on.
Talk to a therapist about it. They won’t judge you, they will help you work through it.
Don’t feel ashamed…I use to feel so ashamed for having anger towards my parents and my parents’ son. I would try to hide it as if I was the one that was at fault or I had something that I needed to hide. I realized how much worse it made me feel by keeping the anger silenced.
Something that really helped the anger for me was writing a letter. I wrote down every feeling and emotion that I was feeling. I let the anger pour out onto the paper. Once I got everything out, I burned it. Watching those words burn gave me a sense of relief. No, it didn’t fix all my problems or even take the trauma away. But, it did give me a much needed sigh of relief. It brought out those emotions and everything I was feeling and holding inside.
Maybe this is something you can relate to. Maybe this is something you have been struggling with for some time now. Try writing that letter, then burn it. If you are not comfortable burning it, tear it up with your hands. Do what feels best for you.
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You’re Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone