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Peace With PTSD

Don’t Limit Yourself

If there’s one thing I have learned in life and through my journey it would be: Don’t Limit Yourself. I used to limit myself all the time and tell myself I couldn’t do this or do that. All that did was make me more scared, sad, and set me back further.

If I knew an event was coming up, I would go through the whole thing in my head as if the event had already took place. I would even go as far as telling myself, “At this time I will have a panic attack and will feel faint. So that means I can’t go.” It was so extreme that I quit trying to go out and socialize altogether.

I began to realize that the limiting mindset that I had was hindering me much more than helping me. It was as if I was setting myself up to fail before I even tried. I was able to acknowledge what I was doing and make the shift. It wasn’t easy but I knew that it needed to be done.

When an event took place or something required me to move out of my comfort zone, I would shut down the limitations that I put on myself. When the limitations popped into my head, I would immediately remind myself that I don’t know until I try and that I am allowed to have fun and enjoy myself. I would also have my out/backup plan. To calm the anxiety and without limiting myself I will have a Plan A and Plan B. Plan A is to excuse myself to a quiet area and calm myself down by simply talking to myself and reminding myself that I am safe and okay. Plan B is to excuse myself to my car for at least half an hour and then I will return IF and only IF I feel like I can handle it. Having the plan A and B in place calm my anxiety because it doesn’t make me feel stuck.

Having a way to not limit yourself is much better for your mental and physical health. Don’t tell yourself that you’re going to fail before you even try. All we can do is try and we never know until we do. I have found myself in many situations where I went and tried and had a wonderful time. So I encourage you to do the same.

As Always,

You Deserve Peace

You’re Not Your Diagnosis


You’re Not Alone.

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