Peace is something we all need in life. Peace can be taken away from us if we allow it. Too many of us have been robbed of our peace, and the most important thing for our healing is to have peace in our lives.
There’s many different ways you can demand your peace…
You can simply choose to not entertain someone or a situation that is causing you unnecessary stress.
Boundaries. You set boundaries with people for what you see is fit for you and most importantly healthy for you. Regardless of what anyone thinks.
No, just say no. Don’t give a reason, just simply say, “no.” You owe no one an explanation. If they keep asking you for an explanation ignore them. No answer is an answer.
Space. Take a break from that person or situation that is robbing you of your peace. Yes, even if that person is family. You take care of you!
And last but not least, choose peace over stress. Choose peace over allowing someone back into your life that caused you hurt and trauma. Choose peace over saying yes to a situation that you KNOW is going to hurt you mentally and emotionally.
Do not let anyone stand in your way of you Demanding Your Peace!
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone