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Peace With PTSD

Choose Your Response

We all face challenges daily. Some are easy and some are hard.

The challenges will test us and may nearly break us.

No, we cannot control things that come our way in life or what happens to us, but there is one thing we can control. Our response.

I know at some points ,in life, that can be very difficult to do, but we can surely try our best.

Here’s an example:

Don’t spend hours talking about the situation. Talk about it, get it off your chest and then move forward.

Try to remain calm. Focus on your breathing and relax the best you can.

Remind yourself that you have come too far to let someone take back all that you have accomplished.

Try to keep a positive mindset and tell yourself, This will not take my joy and peace away. Do not give that person that power over you.

Throughout the next couple of weeks, try to work on your response to situations that may arise. Take back your power that you have given to others and focus on yourself.

As Always,

You Deserve Peace

You Are Not Your Diagnosis

You Are Not Alone

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