Thoughts of fear and memories you wish you could erase creep in. You try to close your eyes and find your peaceful place but thoughts begin to creep in and then it just snowballs.
You pray, you do your coping skills, but it’s just not helping today. Why is today like this? You say to yourself, “I’ve been doing well. Better even. What’s going on?”
You find yourself just sitting there Alone With Your Thoughts…
You’re in the headspace of, Why is this happening, what can I do to snap out of this, will this get better and am I okay?
Yes, it will get better and yes you’re okay.
Honestly, I have this happen to me quite a lot. It’s not something I enjoy, but I get through it each time. Our brains are on constant overload not only with everyday life, but with trying to heal from past trauma.
Our minds can only download so much before we reach a point where we are just so physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted.
That’s when we feel “Alone With Our Thoughts” and it kind of just snowballs for a bit.
Some things you can do to help yourself when this happens is:
Remind yourself it’s okay to feel the emotions and feelings you are feeling in this moment right now.
Write down those feelings or emotions to get them out. Don’t hold it in. Talk to someone, maybe even a therapist.
Take some time to rest. Let your body heal and recover. Don’t sit in silence though. Have a show on or some music. Complete silence for a long period of time can make things worse.
I know how difficult these times can be. Know you are not alone and that we all struggle and can relate in one way or another. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you might have. Or if you even just want someone to talk to.
As Always,
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone