We all probably have a family member in our life that doesn’t act the way a family member should act.
You might try so hard to go out of your way to make things better.
You can several different approaches and still end up in the exact same spot.
It’s painful, exhausting, traumatizing all at the same time.
Perhaps, you have in your mind a picture of how you wish things could be. Who they could be. But you know deep down they never will be who you need them to be.
Its natural want to hold on but it’s just too painful and unhealthy. You want to let them go but it’s too painful, and then you question if you made the right decision. It’s a lose-lose…
You hurt with them around, and when they aren’t around.
Let them go… all they will do is continue to hurt you and cause you more pain and trauma.
It may not be easy, but it will be what’s best for you in the long run.
As Always
You Deserve Peace
You Are Not Your Diagnosis
You Are Not Alone